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Merry Christmas

Filed under: Life, Relationships — December 26, 2007 @ 12:06 am Edit This

Here I am at the end of another year and wondering what I want to create for my future. I realize a few things about myself. And that is that there are certain people I want in my life. I only have so much time. And the way I use that time is important to me.

I have used my time in a manner that has me be committed to two things in one block of time. How do I manage my life so that I can be with all the people I want to be with and have it all work out?

This is the year, for me, of letting go. Letting go of the family I thought I would have at this stage of my life and embracing the family I have.

Of letting go of the many things I have accumulated over time that no longer serve me. And a way to discern what those things are.

That’s it for now as I am going to spend the evening watching a movie with my girls.

December 25th, 2007