An update - It looks like it will really happen.
I am suspending my doubt and my fears and my concerns. They don’t even seem to be present for me right now. I have been praying lots. Actually someone sent me something on Facebook about putting things in a file that is labels SFGTD. And what is means is that when I have things in my life that are a concern for me, I can file it under Stuff For God To Do. And forget about it. He will get to it in his time. That has seemed to work in my life.
The future we are creating is a home that is a gathering place. A large enough home where all who live here have their own space.We have most of our papers in to apply to be foster parents.
And today, Nino was here and we talked about a time-line. We want a few miracles here. We are moving out on May 23 and moving back home on Aug 23. So in three months we will have a home that we have all dreamt about for a long time. And what is great about that is there will be space for foster children too.
We don’t know who will need help but we are making space for an infant and a sibling. Somehow that is what I have sensed will be coming. It is a little bit like guessing the sex of your unborn child. Accept we really don’t know what we will be getting.
And thank goodness for the Money Merge Account. We will be able to finance the renovation and have it paid off in 14.8 years. And sooner if we increase our income. And it will go up and the program doesn’t know it yet.
Life is so exciting!!!
May 2, 2009
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